Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cue the Film 10 - Can I get a Subtitle?

Click Here to Listen!

This weeks Podcast, Chris is missing as we discuss Foreign films. We drag on Jen, from the Hydracooler Podcast

We review Paris I love you, Old Boy,, Pan's Labyrinth, City of Lost Children, Seven Samurai, and Apocalypto

Next time, on the 23rd, we will review Disney films before the 90s. We will review The Little Mermaid The Rescuers The Rescuers Down Under 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Bedknobs and Brooms ,The Love Bug

This Weeks promos were provided by The Babylon Podcast and MOREVI (remastered)

Click Here to Listen!


Anonymous said...

Awesome podcast this. Highlight for me: Stephanie discovering what "buggery meant" (Here it is on wikipedia... oh... OH...OH so it's... THAT...)

I have to give my two cents on Apacalypto - I liked it for the sake of the story; disliked it for one of the final twists. Ok - for anyone who has given birth, tell me two things:

1. Can you pop a baby out in a race against the clock (rising water level)

2. Will you feel like a marathon sprint once you've popped the kid out?

Now, I don't have the female organs, but from what I know, birthing causes a bit of damage and trauma down there. I could not do what she did after I get a tooth pulled out, let alone pop a watermelon out my nether-regions.

This movie really jumped the shark for me there, regardless of the over-arching anti-pagan motif (could the incas have brought their destruction unto themselves through their actions?)

But anyways... can't wait to hear more. Cheers guys!

Stephanie said...

Paul, as a person who has given birth, I can say I am continuously surprised what the human body can endure. I didn't sleep for two years. A mom can do anything.

Chris JC said...

Woah - you guys run LONG when I'm not around!

Nick Riggs said...

Who the heck doesn't like Fire Fly?!?!? :) Good show guys.

Stephanie said...

Thanks Nick Riggs. Birmingham? Really?

Nick Riggs said...

Yep. Bham! leozap started watching me on twitter and I began clicking links until I found myself at your site. And I thought: "A movie review pod cast out of Birmingham, I gotta hear this."

I even twetted it:


Stephanie said...

Wow. I've finally found another Alabamian who knows what a podcast is.

john dimery said...

so paul when you gonna be on our podcast. would love to have you on, cannot wait to record on monday

john dimery said...

omg steph me and some friends were hanging out, and a fdew of them were mothers, some how or another we got on the subject of pregnancy, and one of my friends was freaking out when he heard about dilations, he was like OMG YOU MEAN IT STRECHES OPN BY ITSELF. we were all dieing of laughter

Stephanie said...

It's amazing how many womanly things are so foreign to guys. I was listening to some podcast and I don't even remember which one. These guys are old enough not to be kidding around like this but one started talking about a girl being loose as in she's had sex a few times so she must be "worn out". It cause me to want to unsubscribe. That's something a 14 year-old would kid about.

Stephanie said...

Chris had our splice on Son of Rambow and Millions but he's unable to upload it due to no internet.

Anonymous said...

you guys should listen to the new episode if you think that this one was awesome, we are getting into the grove

Stephanie said...

We ARE awesome.

Chris JC said...

Splice will be up in the next hour or so - depending on how long it takes Talkshoe to upload it.

Then it'll be a day and a bit before the new episode. So remember to refresh in a couple of hours, kids.

Emily said...

Chris, 11 is almost done, can I still upload it tomorrow night?

Emily said...

Chris, 11 is almost done, can I still upload it tomorrow night?

Chris JC said...

That's fine by me, Ems - there'll be tons of time between now and tomorrow evening your time.